
Showing posts from June, 2019

Be multimodal: bus with a bike!

This is a transcription of some recent Twitter advice about how to load bikes on bus racks. All Metrobuses and Ride On buses feature bike racks so your trip can be multimodal if you wish, without the constraints of using Capital Bikeshare. This is definitely useful in suburban Montgomery County, where many distances are not practical to bike in their entirety due to length and/or lacking infrastructure and/or terrain (the county is far from flat). The racks accommodate many kinds of common wheel/frame sizes and bikes with fenders. I've even seen a folding bike once. Although it may seem daunting to load/unload your bike on a bus rack, once you get the hang of it, it's pretty easy and doesn't take too long. Same! Even if I knew how to do it, I fear I'd choke under pressure and delay the bus and then everyone would hate me and make fun of me when I got on the bus, lol! — Mr. T in DC (@MrTinDC) June 13, 2019 No one has made fun of me to date (to my knowledge) w...