
Showing posts from November, 2019

A quest for faster handwriting

Generally, I prefer to take notes by hand because it's what I'm used to and can be more convenient compared to typing up notes on a laptop. (typing speed: approximately 60 wpm) I can already write by hand relatively quickly but I figured it might not hurt to try and get faster. So I decided to look into shorthand, something I've never formally attempted to learn. I don't think I know anyone who knows shorthand, at least that I'm aware of.  I read a little bit about the different varieties of shorthand writing and decided they all seemed a bit too complex than I wanted to deal with learning. That being the case, I decided that I'd just try to come up with my own personal form of semi-shorthand. I already have certain phrases/words that I abbreviate when trying to take notes quickly, so from here it's just a matter of expanding on that. (I think what I will do is try to eliminate vowels when possible, as in Teeline) One of the simpler forms of shortha...