
Showing posts from February, 2020

A deep dive into the DC Metro challenge

On Saturday, Aaron Landry and I completed the Metro Challenge. It entails passing through every single station in the Metro system in a single trip. This is an extremely detailed explanation of what it's really like to attempt and finish the DC Metro Challenge. It's also probably more than you ever wanted to know about the Metro Challenge, but here goes. A Washingtonian writer did the challenge recently , which is how this idea got in my head.  Here's an earlier preview post with some of my thoughts about the challenge prior to attempting it . All in all, it was an adventure. Though some people may not find the concept appealing at all, doing the Metro challenge may be of interest to those who like transit. It's an interesting day trip idea and rather doable with the proper planning and execution. Here's a current map of the WMATA/Metrorail system  (PDF), for reference. At best, the challenge can be completed in around eight hours. Our final time was 7 hours,...

Metro Challenge: preview

Washingtonian just published an article about the Metro challenge , which entails passing through every single Metro station in a single trip without exiting the system. At best, it can be completed in about eight hours. The most efficient route ( courtesy of Riley Dosh ) is as follows: Shady Grove > Glenmont > Fort Totten > Greenbelt > Branch Ave > L'Enfant Plaza > Huntington > King Street > Franconia-Springfield > Largo Town Center > Stadium Armory > New Carrollton > Vienna > East Falls Church > Wiehle-Reston East fun fact: a route like this is called a Hamiltonian path Here's a geographic description of how this route works : Begin at the northwestern terminus of the system, Shady Grove , located in Montgomery County, Maryland. Take the Red line down to DC and back up to Glenmont (also in Montgomery County). Head back inbound a short distance to Fort Totten to transfer to the Green or Yellow line, then head east ou...