Face mask fit and design analysis: discussion
Here is some discussion of my analysis of face mask fit and design . I've compiled it here in a blog post so that it'll be (somewhat?) easier to follow compared to a bunch of disjointed tweets and replies.* Please read the aforementioned post so that this discussion will make more sense. DW Rowlands: Thanks for sharing! I am struck by how common "ear loops too loose" is as a problem for you, too. I really don't get why ear loops seem to be an almost-universal standard when it seems like tie-on masks fit a lot better. It does make sense that more-deeply pleated masks would fit better. And I really should buy more masks instead of wearing the same ones multiple days in a row (though I rarely go places near other people when I'm outside). I just continue to be stressed out about spending money on things that turn out to not fit. Rachel Taylor: Ear loop masks are definitely easier to put on or remove, but I think the fit benefits of ...