
Showing posts from March, 2021

Thoughts on the Atlanta shootings

It took me a few days to arrange and coherently articulate my thoughts about this . I find it decidedly unsettling and a reminder that racism and misogyny (in this case, enabled by the availability of guns) are very much alive in our country.  When attacks on Asian Americans in Oakland made the news earlier this year, I thought to myself that those kinds of things wouldn't happen here because I see myself as living in a diverse and tolerant community. But it's not like Oakland isn't diverse; in fact the demographics are actually rather similar to Montgomery County and I suppose diversity does not necessarily/inherently = tolerance. While I would say that diversity is conducive to tolerance, it does not necessarily equal tolerance in and of itself. Regardless, I am glad that I live here instead of somewhere that's, say, 90% white, because I figure racism would be more prevalent in places like that.   While I (thankfully) haven't personally faced anything I'd con...