Interesting words, issue eleven
Despite not posting as frequently as I initially intended, this issue of interesting words is a pretty substantial one so I think it makes up a bit for any reduced frequency. asceticism : abstaining from (all) indulgences/"worldly pleasures" as a demonstration of self-discipline, particularly for religious reasons. Giving something up for Lent is a small form of asceticism. [The etymology of Lent is that it comes from a word meaning springtime because it occurs in the spring prior to Easter] anarchaeology : "the clandestine visitation of archaeological sites, a branch of urban exploration alongside draining or roof-topping.... Anarchaeologists don't damage or loot sites ― we just want a closer look before redevelopment destroy them." The etymology of this sense of the word seems to come from this article . They did some anarchaeology by non-destructively breaking into the vacant shopping mall to observe, photograph and admire the architecture. (word sour...