Rockville architecture tour by bike
I am in the planning stage for this, which I hope to actually hold sometime in the spring once it warms up. I'll watch the weather and settle upon a more specific date in a few months (a non-rainy weekend, tentatively in April sometime?). We may have an unseasonably cold spring (at this point, who knows?), so I don't want to set a specific date now and then have it turn out that most of April's weather is too chilly. Right now I'm looking up guidance about how to plan and hold a walking tour since the principles are rather similar. I'm also deciding on the locations I want to feature and what the route will be like. My intention for the route length is probably somewhere around 10 miles, give or take. I'll also try to keep it mainly on calmer streets. [ ETA : the route looks to be approximately/roughly 12 miles at this point in the planning process. The distance is subject to change, but will definitely be no more than 15 miles. The ride will proceed at a ra...