Interesting AI-generated words

 A bit of a detour from the usual after an unplanned hiatus. Brought to you by a new website I recently discovered, which generates new words based on AI. A good portion of the words themselves seem real enough, but the AI-generated definitions don't necessarily make much sense and are not etymologically accurate. Another feature of this website is producing AI-generated definitions of (real or fake) words you input.

Here is a selection of words it generated:  

eotrophy: the state of being subject to eotrophy; "these cells are in an eotrophy of differentiation"

My definition:a fancy synonym for breakfast; eo meaning the first appearance of something (Greek) and -trophy referring to nourishment (or growth/development, as in atrophy)

smashbox: a shop selling goods from a variety of manufacturers, typically on the basis of limited inventory; "a smashbox market"

Note: this is actually the name of a makeup brand that does exist

bozoism: inability to resist conventional values, especially those of social origin, in a particular person or area; "we cannot afford to lose such bozoism among ordinary people"

plustery: (of a person) unwisely or easily influenced; rude or unpleasant

"the stew was plustery"

fascicide: a bomb or explosion of explosive rather than genuine explosives used to kill people or animals

"fascicides put off the capture of terrorists"

My definition: killing of fascists 

mantellini: a cantilever plant of the daisy family, with yellow crystals; "salmon that produces frankincense mantellini"

This is a word that actually does kind of exist, but not how the AI defines it. 

racketline: dense ice and mud that is gradually deposited below sea level in a vast expanse of open water; "this season of the Rocky Mountains gives way to an ocean laced with two to four times the racketline of the East"

cutfishes: cabbage cut in sections (typically slices such as those eaten in Ireland); "I did not have any cutfishes"

tamrock: a strong, resinous compound derived from the tannin of certain algae, occurring as a perovskite; "tamrock tar is the primary source of cobalt silicate"

clippersick: a sudden loss of electrical activity in a muscle, causing temporary unconsciousness; "a low powered car clippersicks on the brakes of a red Ford pickup"

myphytogeography: the branch of linguistics dealing with relations among languages or cultures; "a new study by myphytogeography team"

my definition: my(o)- is a Greek prefix meaning muscle, phyto- is also Greek meaning "pertaining to plants" and then geography is self-explanatory. So the definition could be... the study of plant matter (biomass?) as it relates to place/geography. About how many there are and the characteristics of plants in a given location/area. Mapping of plants, perhaps? [I just looked it up and it turns out "phytogeography" is a real word that already exists]

suscastion: a medical condition marked by severe swelling of the abdomen, muscle spasm in the abdomen, and destruction of the abdomen; "suscastion may precede coronary bypass surgery in this patient"

Note: this medical condition sounds pretty alarming. Severe swelling, muscle spasms, and eventual destruction of the abdomen! 

tworpe: the thick part of a man's hood, hair on either side; "I have a tworpe on my head"

trunkmate: a person who has shared the same room as another person or friend for extended periods during one's life; "a very interesting bunch of trunkmates"

Note: this is one of the words where the AI-generated definition actually makes sense for the word. Trunks (for storage of clothing and such) seem a bit outdated, but I can still see how this word would fit with the definition. 

retrofessionalism: a mode of expression of conscious thought or action characterized by an obsessive awareness of past events that is usually characterized by a range of attitudes and theories; "the form is designed to play perfectly retrofessionalism, so you don't have to give the impression it's a throwback to the 60s"


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